
Häl­sans Hus


Look­ing for a well­ness es­cape in Stock­holm? Häl­sans Hus Stock­holm is a unique find. They of­fer rea­son­ably priced con­fer­ence rooms, mak­ing it ide­al for a busi­ness re­treat with a healthy twist. But what makes this place tru­ly spe­cial is the mix of prac­ti­tion­ers and health or­ga­ni­za­tions un­der one roof. Imag­ine at­tend­ing a work­shop, get­ting ad­vice from a spe­cial­ist, and then soak­ing your cares away in their tra­di­tion­al steam baths, saunas, and in­door pool. It's the per­fect blend of re­ju­ve­na­tion and restora­tion.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday07:30 - 22:00Tuesday07:30 - 22:00Wednesday07:30 - 22:00Thursday07:30 - 22:00Friday07:30 - 22:00Saturday07:30 - 22:00Sunday07:30 - 22:00