
H3 Fisker­estau­rant


Step­ping into H3 Fisker­estau­rant is like board­ing a ship set to sail across a sea of fla­vor. This in­ti­mate eatery on Am­ager's Holm­blads­gade is more than just a place to eat; it's a com­plete sen­so­ry ex­pe­ri­ence. The restau­ran­t's pas­sion for seafood shines through in every as­pect, from the friend­ly, per­son­al­ized ser­vice to the ex­quis­ite­ly pre­pared dish­es burst­ing with ocean­ic fresh­ness. While the

in­te­ri­or, with its ca­pac­i­ty of 28, has a won­der­ful­ly cozy at­mos­phere, the real treat on a nice day is grab­bing a ta­ble on the charm­ing out­door pa­tio. Here, you can rel­ish the catch of the day with a side of fresh air. H3 Fisker­estau­rant is a must-vis­it for any­one who ap­pre­ci­ates top-notch seafood in an invit­ing and mem­o­rable set­ting.

Price point
Opening hours
Wednesday11:30 - 15:00Thursday11:30 - 15:0017:30 - 22:00Friday11:30 - 15:0017:30 - 22:00Saturday11:30 - 15:0017:30 - 22:00