
H10 Urquinaona Plaza


The H10 Urquinaona Plaza, housed in a beau­ti­ful­ly re­stored 19th-cen­tu­ry build­ing, of­fers a re­fined es­cape from the bustling en­er­gy of Barcelona. Upon en­ter­ing, you're greet­ed by an am­biance of his­toric grandeur blend­ed seam­less­ly with mod­ern el­e­gance. Rooms are bathed in sun­light stream­ing through large win­dows, while soar­ing ceil­ings and styl­ish fur­nish­ings en­hance the feel­ing of spa­cious­ness. Be sure

to vis­it the rooftop ter­race – a true high­light of the ho­tel. The sweep­ing panora­mas of the cityscape are sim­ply breath­tak­ing, pro­vid­ing an ide­al set­ting to re­lax af­ter a day of sight­see­ing. Don't miss the boun­ti­ful break­fast spread each morn­ing, the per­fect way to start your day ex­plor­ing icon­ic sights like the Sagra­da Família and Park Güell.
