
H10 Mont­ca­da


En­ter­ing the H10 Mont­ca­da is a jour­ney back to a more re­fined era, with­out sac­ri­fic­ing any mod­ern lux­u­ries. Housed with­in a state­ly neo­clas­si­cal build­ing, this bou­tique ho­tel ex­udes a peace­ful so­phis­ti­ca­tion, yet is just steps away from Barcelon­a's most dy­nam­ic dis­tricts. Each of the 83 rooms and suites acts as a pri­vate oa­sis, thought­ful­ly de­signed to blend his­toric char­ac­ter

with con­tem­po­rary flair. But it's the rooftop ter­race that tru­ly steals the show. Pic­ture your­self sip­ping on a care­ful­ly con­struct­ed cock­tail as the sun de­scends - the ex­pe­ri­ence is noth­ing short of en­chant­i­ng. From this van­tage point, you can eas­i­ly set off to ex­plore Barcelon­a's labyrinthine streets, dis­cov­er­ing se­clud­ed plazas and soak­ing up the city's pal­pa­ble en­er­gy.
