tourist attraction

Gustaf Vasa Church


Step­ping in­side Gustaf Vasa Church felt like step­ping back in time. This late 19th-cen­tu­ry Goth­ic Re­vival mar­vel com­mands at­ten­tion with its soar­ing spire, a dom­i­nant fea­ture of the city’s sky­line. But the true beau­ty lies with­in. In­tri­cate de­tails and elab­o­rate crafts­man­ship cap­ti­vate the eye wher­ev­er you look. The stun­ning al­tar­piece, a cel­e­brat­ed cre­ation

by Swedish artist Carl Lars­son, was a par­tic­u­lar high­light. The weight of his­to­ry is pal­pa­ble with­in these walls, mak­ing it clear why it's such a cher­ished land­mark. Whether you're at­tend­ing a ser­vice, ex­pe­ri­enc­ing a con­cert, or sim­ply en­joy­ing a peace­ful pause for con­tem­pla­tion, Gustaf Vasa Church of­fers a wel­com­ing and in­spir­ing am­biance. A gen­uine Stock­holm trea­sure.

Opening hours
Tuesday11:00 - 18:00Wednesday11:00 - 18:00Thursday11:00 - 18:00Friday11:00 - 15:00Saturday11:00 - 15:00Sunday11:00 - 15:00Monday11:00 - 18:00