
Green Gar­den Cafe


Lon­don's Green Gar­den Cafe, sit­u­at­ed in Covent Gar­den, pro­vides a tran­quil es­cape from the city's en­er­gy. In­side, a cozy, plant-filled space wel­comes you, where sun­light streams through the leafy ceil­ing. Their menu high­lights sea­son­al, or­gan­ic in­gre­di­ents, fo­cus­ing on ve­g­an and veg­e­tar­i­an op­tions. From sat­is­fy­ing break­fasts to light lunch­es and tempt­ing cakes, there's some­thing for every­one. The aro­ma of their ex­cel­lent cof­fee in­vites you to re­lax and en­joy the charm of this de­light­ful spot.

Opening hours
Thursday06:00 - 17:00Friday06:00 - 17:00Saturday07:00 - 17:00Sunday07:30 - 16:00Monday06:00 - 17:00Tuesday06:00 - 17:00Wednesday06:00 - 17:00