tourist attraction

Great Pago­da


Step­ping onto the grounds of Kew Palace, you're greet­ed by a sight that tru­ly takes you back in time: the Great Pago­da. This im­pres­sive struc­ture, metic­u­lous­ly re­stored to its for­mer glo­ry, tow­ers above the land­scape, a proud tes­ta­ment to 18th-cen­tu­ry crafts­man­ship. As you wan­der clos­er, the in­tri­cate de­tails, once fad­ed, come to life. A climb to the top re­wards you with breath­tak­ing panoram­ic views of the sur­round­ing gar­dens and be­yond - a per­fect way to soak in the his­to­ry and beau­ty of this icon­ic land­mark.

Opening hours
Thursday11:00 - 16:30Friday11:00 - 16:30Saturday11:00 - 16:30Sunday11:00 - 16:30Monday11:00 - 16:30Tuesday11:00 - 16:30Wednesday11:00 - 16:30