
Grazia & Gra­ziel­la


Step­ping into Grazia & Gra­ziel­la is like en­ter­ing a warm em­brace, where de­lec­table food and gen­uine hos­pi­tal­i­ty reign supreme. The ex­pan­sive pa­tio and two charm­ing din­ing ar­eas pro­vide the ide­al back­drop for any gath­er­ing. A live­ly blend of Ro­mans and trav­el­ers fills the space, drawn by the al­lure of au­then­tic Ital­ian cui­sine. Their menu is a tes­ta­ment to the fresh­est, high­est qual­i­ty in­gre­di­ents, craft­ed

into mouth­wa­ter­ing dish­es that show­case the chef's pas­sion. Every taste, from the en­tic­ing starters to the hearty main cours­es, bursts with fla­vor. Be sure to pe­ruse their se­lec­tion of re­fresh­ing bev­er­ages to per­fect­ly com­ple­ment your meal. More than a sim­ple eatery, Grazia & Gra­ziel­la of­fers a space to con­nect, sa­vor in­cred­i­ble cui­sine, and forge un­for­get­table mem­o­ries in a tru­ly de­light­ful at­mos­phere.

Price point
Opening hours
Wednesday11:00 - 23:00Monday11:00 - 23:00Tuesday11:00 - 23:00Thursday11:00 - 23:00Friday11:00 - 23:00Saturday11:00 - 23:00Sunday11:00 - 23:00