
Gran­ja M. Vi­ad­er


Walk­ing into Gran­ja M. Vi­ad­er in El Raval felt like trav­el­ing back in time. The old-fash­ioned decor, com­plete with vin­tage posters and a so­phis­ti­cat­ed counter, in­stant­ly whisked us away to a by­gone era. Of course, we could­n't re­sist the clas­sic Cata­lan com­bi­na­tion of light, crispy chur­ros dipped in thick, deca­dent hot choco­late. The pas­try dis­play, a vi­su­al feast of tempt­ing treats, was a tes­ta­ment to the cafe's long

his­to­ry of bak­ing ex­per­tise. We sipped on a glass of their re­fresh­ing­ly tart or­ange juice as we ab­sorbed the live­ly am­biance. More than just a spot to grab a quick meal, Gran­ja M. Vi­ad­er em­bod­ies the cap­ti­vat­ing spir­it of Barcelon­a's past. This cafe is a must-vis­it for any­one seek­ing an au­then­tic taste of the city, of­fer­ing a peek into its rich cul­tur­al her­itage and the sim­ple joys of its culi­nary tra­di­tions.

Price point
Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesday09:00 - 13:3017:00 - 20:30Wednesday09:00 - 13:3017:00 - 20:30Thursday09:00 - 13:3017:00 - 20:30Friday09:00 - 13:3017:00 - 20:30Saturday09:00 - 13:3017:00 - 20:30SundayClosed