


Grand­ma, a cozy and invit­ing haven in Rome's Quadraro Vec­chio dis­trict, of­fers a tru­ly mem­o­rable culi­nary ex­pe­ri­ence where tra­di­tion and in­no­va­tion blend seam­less­ly. Start your meal with clas­sic ap­pe­tiz­ers like br­uschet­ta piled high with fresh toma­toes and basil, or sup­plì al tele­fono, those ir­re­sistible crispy rice balls filled with gooey moz­zarel­la. From there, dive into a sym­pho­ny of fla­vors with their pas­ta dish­es. The chef's cre­ativ­i­ty shines through in both hearty fa­vorites like lasagna Bolog­nese and del­i­cate ri­cot­ta and spinach ravi­o­li, each a tes­ta­ment to the care tak­en with every plate. Ready for

your sec­ond course? You won't be dis­ap­point­ed. Their suc­cu­lent Fiorenti­na steak, a Tus­can del­i­ca­cy, is cooked to ab­solute per­fec­tion and sea­soned with fra­grant herbs. Or, if you're crav­ing a Ro­man clas­sic, the fla­vor­ful car­bonara, with its rich egg and guan­ciale sauce, will sure­ly hit the spot. Let the knowl­edge­able staff guide you through their care­ful­ly cu­rat­ed wine se­lec­tion to find the per­fect pair­ing for your meal. Whether you're a lo­cal look­ing for a taste of home or a vis­i­tor seek­ing an au­then­tic Ro­man din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, Grand­ma de­liv­ers a culi­nary jour­ney you won't soon for­get.

Price point