
Grana­dos 83


The minute we walked into Grana­dos 83, its chic, con­tem­po­rary de­sign caught our eye. The mod­ern fur­ni­ture and trendy vibe made us feel in­stant­ly at home. We spent our af­ter­noons re­lax­ing on the beau­ti­ful out­door ter­race, bask­ing in the Barcelona sun, be­fore tak­ing a re­fresh­ing dip in the rooftop pool. The hotel's restau­rant quick­ly be­came our fa­vorite

spot for de­li­cious Mediter­ranean cui­sine, and we loved un­wind­ing with cock­tails in the in­ti­mate bar. A ma­jor bonus for us was that Grana­dos 83 wel­comes pets, al­low­ing us to bring our fur­ry friend along for our Barcelona ad­ven­tures. With its con­ve­nient lo­ca­tion and up-to-date ameni­ties, Grana­dos 83 was the ide­al home base for our city get­away.
