
GPRO Val­paraiso Palace & Spa


Step­ping into the GPRO Val­paraiso Palace & Spa was like step­ping into a sanc­tu­ary: a serene es­cape from the en­er­gy of Pal­ma. Lo­cat­ed just a short stroll from the im­pres­sive Cathe­dral and the mes­mer­iz­ing Mediter­ranean Sea, it's per­fect­ly sit­u­at­ed for ex­pe­ri­enc­ing the city's di­verse of­fer­ings. The ho­tel whis­pers re­fine­ment from the mo­ment you en­ter. The gleam­ing mar­ble and daz­zling chan­de­liers im­me­di­ate­ly caught my eye, craft­ing an aura of op­u­lence and grace.

My spa­cious room was a haven of com­fort and chic de­sign, boast­ing breath­tak­ing views of the vast, blue sea. A tan­gi­ble sense of tran­quil­i­ty washed over me in the hotel's peace­ful spa. A re­vi­tal­iz­ing treat­ment and time spent loung­ing by the en­tic­ing in­door pool melt­ed my cares away. With its flaw­less ser­vice, ex­cep­tion­al cui­sine, and prime lo­ca­tion, the GPRO Val­paraiso Palace & Spa is a true gem among Pal­ma's finest.
