pan-asian restaurant

Goya Restau­rant


Goya Restau­rant in Rome throws open the door to a culi­nary jour­ney through Japan. The at­mos­phere in­side beau­ti­ful­ly merges Japan­ese el­e­gance with a wel­com­ing Ital­ian warmth. Their menu reads like a love let­ter to tra­di­tion­al Japan­ese cui­sine, with each dish pre­pared with ob­vi­ous care and skill. If you're look­ing for del­i­cate fla­vors, the sushi and sashi­mi, fea­tur­ing the fresh­est seafood, won't dis­ap­point. For some­thing hearti­er, try the ra­men - a fla­vor­ful broth burst­ing with noo­dles, meat, and veg­eta­bles. To sam­ple

Japan­ese street food, there's crispy tem­pu­ra or sa­vory takoy­a­ki oc­to­pus balls. Goya be­lieves in de­liv­er­ing qual­i­ty with­out break­ing the bank, us­ing the finest in­gre­di­ents to cre­ate dish­es that are both au­then­tic and af­ford­able. Whether you con­sid­er your­self a Japan­ese food con­nois­seur or a cu­ri­ous be­gin­ner, Goya promis­es a meal you won't soon for­get. Let the friend­ly staff be your guide, rec­om­mend­ing the ide­al sake to com­ple­ment your meal. As you sa­vor each bite, you'll feel trans­port­ed to Japan, all with­out ever leav­ing Rome.

Price point