shopping mall

Gold­en Re­source Shop­ping Mall


Gold­en Re­sources Shop­ping Mall, part of the colos­sal Cen­tu­ry Jinyuan Times Shop­ping Cen­ter, is a shop­per's par­adise. This ex­pan­sive re­tail haven hous­es fa­mil­iar names like Yan­sha Shop­ping Mall and Guiy­ou Build­ing, along­side a Lo­tus Su­per­mar­ket, Home of Fur­ni­ture, and a Gome Elec­tri­cal Ap­pli­ances. Over 90 renowned brands – both Chi­nese and in­ter­na­tion­al – dis­play their wares in over 1600 high-end shops. But Gold­en Re­sources is more than just re­tail ther­a­py. Dozens of themed restau­rants cater to every taste, while a cham­pi­onship-lev­el ice rink beck­ons skaters. Catch a flick at the Stel­lar Cin­e­ma, a five-star movie ex­pe­ri­ence, or rub shoul­ders with Bei­jing's elite at the Times or Celebri­ty Clubs.

Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 22:00Tuesday10:00 - 22:00Wednesday10:00 - 22:00Thursday10:00 - 22:00Friday10:00 - 22:00Saturday10:00 - 22:00Sunday10:00 - 22:00