
Gold­en Gate In­di­an Cui­sine & Piz­za


Es­cape to Gold­en Gate In­di­an Cui­sine & Piz­za in San Fran­cis­co, where a tan­ta­liz­ing fu­sion of fla­vors awaits. Con­ve­nient­ly lo­cat­ed, this culi­nary haven of­fers an ex­ten­sive menu show­cas­ing a de­light­ful ar­ray of In­di­an piz­zas, wraps, cal­zones, pas­ta, sand­wich­es, burg­ers, chick­en wings, and sal­ads. In­dulge in ex­quis­ite In­di­an fla­vors in­fused into your fa­vorite dish­es, cre­at­ing a unique and un­for­get­table din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. Or­der on­line for has­sle-free de­liv­ery, pick­up, take­out, or cater­ing, serv­ing the vi­brant neigh­bor­hoods of San Fran­cis­co, Out­er Sun­set, Sun­set Dis­trict, For­est Hill, and Haight-Ash­bury.

Price point