meal takeaway

Gold­en Drag­on Restau­rant


Crav­ing Chi­nese food while ex­plor­ing Los An­ge­les? Look no fur­ther than Gold­en Drag­on Restau­rant on your way back to the ho­tel. This no-frills spot has been a lo­cal fa­vorite for years, serv­ing up clas­sic dish­es with a fo­cus on fla­vor and gen­er­ous por­tions. Lo­cals rave about the Kung Pao chick­en and fla­vor­ful dumplings, mak­ing it the per­fect place to grab a quick and sat­is­fy­ing bite to eat. Call ahead to place your or­der, and be sure to bring cash – they don't ac­cept cards!
