


Glen­tekroen beck­ons with its sim­ple el­e­gance and invit­ing am­biance. The scent of fresh­ly baked goods wel­comes you, and the soft mur­mur of chat­ter drifts among the ex­posed beams. Ro­bust wood ta­bles and a di­verse col­lec­tion of chairs in­vite you to un­wind, while the walls are dec­o­rat­ed with an­tique trin­kets and play­ful art­work. Sink into a plush arm­chair by the crack­ling hearth,

or se­cure a se­clud­ed booth with an en­gag­ing book. Their culi­nary of­fer­ings hon­or clas­sic Dan­ish fare, show­cas­ing hearty fa­vorites like smør­re­brød, fla­vor­ful stews, and ex­quis­ite pas­tries. The at­ten­tive team pro­vides tai­lored sug­ges­tions, en­sur­ing your time there is tru­ly un­for­get­table. Whether you de­sire a break from ur­ban life or a unique evening out, Glen­tekroen promis­es a jour­ney into au­then­tic Dan­ish hos­pi­tal­i­ty.

Opening hours
Monday14:00 - 02:00Tuesday14:00 - 02:00Wednesday14:00 - 02:00Thursday14:00 - 02:00Friday14:00 - 02:00Saturday14:00 - 02:00Sunday14:00 - 22:00