
Giniz Bar


Giniz Bar is a styl­ish oa­sis right in the cen­ter of Copen­hagen. The mo­ment you walk in, you're greet­ed by a chic lounge area, com­plete with com­fy seat­ing and soft light­ing. The whole place has this cool, so­phis­ti­cat­ed vibe, with sleek de­sign el­e­ments and in­ter­est­ing art­work. Their ex­pert mixol­o­gists whip up some tru­ly de­li­cious cock­tails, and the live­ly at­mos­phere makes it the per­fect place to un­wind. Whether you're a lo­cal or just vis­it­ing, Giniz Bar of­fers a pol­ished and un­for­get­table ex­pe­ri­ence.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday16:00 - 01:00Tuesday16:00 - 01:00Wednesday16:00 - 01:00Thursday16:00 - 01:00Friday16:00 - 04:00Saturday16:00 - 04:00Sunday16:00 - 01:00