gymnastics center

Gim­nàs Puro Im­pacto


Step in­side Gim­nas Puro Im­pacto, a fit­ness and con­tact sports gym in Barcelona that caters to ath­letes of all lev­els. Ex­pe­ri­enced train­ers guide clients to­wards their fit­ness goals with tai­lored pro­grams, whether it's im­prov­ing over­all fit­ness, train­ing for a spe­cif­ic sport, or sim­ply get­ting in shape. The gym boasts a spa­cious train­ing area, cut­ting-edge equip­ment, and a team of ded­i­cat­ed train­ers. It also of­fers di­verse class­es, in­clud­ing box­ing, Muay Thai, and Brazil­ian jiu-jit­su. Whether you're an ex­pe­ri­enced ath­lete or a fit­ness novice, Gim­nas Puro Im­pacto pro­vides a sup­port­ive en­vi­ron­ment to train and achieve your fit­ness as­pi­ra­tions.

Opening hours
Monday07:00 - 22:00Tuesday07:00 - 22:00Wednesday07:00 - 22:00Thursday07:00 - 22:00Friday07:00 - 22:00Saturday09:00 - 13:00SundayClosed