
Geor­gian House


Or­ga­niz­ing a get-to­geth­er in Stock­holm? Eas­i­ly reach­able by car or a quick metro trip, Geor­gian House is an ide­al lo­ca­tion. This venue is per­fect for both cor­po­rate func­tions and mile­stone cel­e­bra­tions, ac­com­mo­dat­ing up to 150 guests. Their com­mit­ted staff guar­an­tees a smooth and re­laxed event, whether you're or­ga­niz­ing a busi­ness meet­ing or a lav­ish wed­ding re­cep­tion. Geor­gian House takes care of all your food and bev­er­age re­quire­ments, elim­i­nat­ing any wor­ry from your plan­ning process. Reach out to them for open dates and a cus­tomized price es­ti­mate – they're ready to help you craft a tru­ly un­for­get­table ex­pe­ri­ence.

Price point