
GAIL's Bak­ery Not­ting Hill


For­get fan­cy, Gail's Not­ting Hill lo­ca­tion is pure, sim­ple de­li­cious­ness. The minute you walk through the door, the smell of fresh bread and pas­tries hits you, and you know you're in for a treat. Every­thing is made with top-notch in­gre­di­ents, and you can tell they put real care into each loaf and bun. Grab a cof­fee – they roast their beans right there – and just en­joy the artistry hap­pen­ing in the bak­ery around you. Whether you're af­ter a quick pas­try pick-me-up or a loaf to take home, Gail's de­liv­ers pure bak­ing joy.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday06:45 - 19:00Tuesday06:45 - 19:00Wednesday06:45 - 19:00Thursday06:45 - 19:00Friday06:45 - 19:00Saturday06:45 - 19:00Sunday07:00 - 18:30