


En­ter­ing Gagosian Paris is like step­ping into a di­a­logue be­tween cen­turies, where his­to­ry whis­pers to mod­ern art. Housed with­in a grand 17th-cen­tu­ry man­sion, the space ex­udes time­less el­e­gance. Lofty ceil­ings, glit­ter­ing chan­de­liers, and gal­leries rem­i­nis­cent of the finest mu­se­ums pro­vide a stun­ning set­ting for the show­cased art­work. Each piece is care­ful­ly placed, fea­tur­ing cre­ations from some of the most renowned con­tem­po­rary artists. With bold can­vas­es and sculp­tures that seem to in­ter­act with the sur­round­ing light, the gallery de­liv­ers a tru­ly im­mer­sive artis­tic jour­ney, leav­ing vis­i­tors feel­ing cre­ative­ly recharged.

Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesday10:30 - 18:30Wednesday10:30 - 18:30Thursday10:30 - 18:30Friday10:30 - 18:30Saturday10:30 - 18:30SundayClosed