
G LA DALLE - Champs sur Marne


Found your­self hun­gry in Champs sur Marne? G LA DALLE is call­ing your name. For­get bor­ing sand­wich­es, this place is serv­ing up "dalles" – imag­ine gourmet French flat­breads piled high with in­ven­tive, ever-chang­ing fill­ings. The at­mos­phere is live­ly and con­tem­po­rary, ide­al for a laid-back lunch with your crew or a ful­fill­ing meal when you're short on time. With more than 80 lo­ca­tions and count­ing, they're onto some­thing spe­cial. Make sure to check out their web­site for the lat­est "dalle du mo­ment" – you'll thank us lat­er.
