art gallery



Fur­ther­field op­er­ates from two lo­ca­tions sit­u­at­ed in the heart of Fins­bury Park in Lon­don. The first, Fur­ther­field Gallery, hosts com­pli­men­ta­ry ex­hi­bi­tions that are open to the pub­lic, while the sec­ond, Fur­ther­field Lab, of­fers work­shops, events, and oth­er en­gag­ing ac­tiv­i­ties. The Gallery is housed in the McKen­zie Pavil­ion, lo­cat­ed in the park it­self, right be­side the boat­ing pond and chil­dren's play­ground. Open­ing hours de­pend on the dates of ex­hi­bi­tions, so it's ad­vis­able to check the cur­rent sched­ule of events to plan your vis­it ac­cord­ing­ly.

Opening hours
Sunday11:00 - 17:00MondayClosedTuesdayClosedWednesdayClosedThursdayClosedFridayClosedSaturday11:00 - 17:00