
French Gar­den


Louis XV adored Tri­anon. His pas­sion for gar­den­ing and botany ini­tial­ly led him to en­hance the gar­dens at the Château de Choisy. How­ev­er, by the late 1740s, his fo­cus shift­ed to craft­ing new spaces east of the Grand Tri­anon. Over time, these cre­ations blos­somed into some­thing tru­ly sig­nif­i­cant, a tes­ta­ment to his en­dur­ing love for this spe­cial place. His mark on the land­scape is un­de­ni­able, a blend of na­ture and de­sign that con­tin­ues to cap­ti­vate vis­i­tors cen­turies lat­er.