
Frangi­pani Spa - SIEM REAP


Amidst Siem Reap's vi­brant streets, the Frangi­pani Spa of­fers an oa­sis of tran­quil­i­ty. Im­merse your­self in a world of fra­grant aro­mas and sooth­ing am­biance. Step in­side and be greet­ed by friend­ly staff who will guide you through the serene spa fa­cil­i­ties. Each treat­ment room is thought­ful­ly de­signed to pro­vide ul­ti­mate re­lax­ation, promis­ing a re­ju­ve­nat­ing ex­pe­ri­ence for both body and mind. From tra­di­tion­al Khmer mas­sages to in­dul­gent body wraps, Frangi­pani Spa's menu caters to every need. Af­ter your treat­ment, un­wind in the tran­quil re­lax­ation area and sip on herbal tea while re­flect­ing on your bliss­ful spa jour­ney.

Opening hours
Tuesday11:00 - 20:00Wednesday11:00 - 20:00Thursday11:00 - 20:00Friday11:00 - 20:00Saturday11:00 - 20:00Sunday11:00 - 20:00MondayClosed