escape room center

Fox in a box Es­cape Room


At Fox in a Box Malmö, it's not about rac­ing against the clock, but rather about team­work and cre­ative prob­lem-solv­ing. We found our­selves com­plete­ly en­grossed in the in­tri­cate­ly de­signed rooms, each telling a unique sto­ry through clev­er­ly craft­ed puz­zles and rid­dles. The ex­pe­ri­ence was as men­tal­ly stim­u­lat­ing as it was fun, re­veal­ing hid­den tal­ents and strength­en­ing our bond as a group. For­get bor­ing team-build­ing ex­er­cis­es, Fox in a Box of­fers a re­fresh­ing al­ter­na­tive that leaves you feel­ing ex­hil­a­rat­ed and ea­ger for your next chal­lenge.

Opening hours
Tuesday00:00 - 21:00Wednesday00:00 - 21:00Thursday00:00 - 21:00Friday00:00 - 21:00Saturday00:00 - 21:00Sunday00:00 - 21:00