
Folk Mat & Möten


Folk Mat & Möten is more than a restau­rant; it's a cul­tur­al im­mer­sion. The minute you step in­side, the mod­ern and wel­com­ing de­sign in­stant­ly puts you at ease. The en­er­gy is pal­pa­ble, a mix of lo­cals and tourists drawn by the rep­u­ta­tion for in­cred­i­ble food and a live­ly am­biance. Their menu reads like a trib­ute to Scan­di­na­vian culi­nary tra­di­tions with a glob­al twist. Every bite bursts

with the fresh­ness of lo­cal in­gre­di­ents, the chefs mas­ter­ful­ly weav­ing clas­sic meth­ods with con­tem­po­rary in­no­va­tion. From the fla­vor­ful lamb shak­shu­ka to the ex­quis­ite­ly grilled oc­to­pus, each dish is a vi­su­al and culi­nary mas­ter­piece. But Folk Mat & Möten is more than just a meal. Their ex­ten­sive drink list, com­fort­able lounge area, and ever-chang­ing cal­en­dar of events and live mu­sic make it a com­plete sen­so­ry ex­pe­ri­ence.

Opening hours
Monday07:30 - 16:00Tuesday07:30 - 16:00Wednesday07:30 - 16:00Thursday07:30 - 16:00Friday07:30 - 16:00