Flor de Maig


Flor de Maig has been a culi­nary haven in Barcelon­a's Raval dis­trict, de­light­ing din­ers for over two decades. A stone's throw from the icon­ic MAC­BA and La Bo­que­ria mar­ket, this restau­rant of­fers a wel­com­ing and cozy at­mos­phere. Flor de Maig's menu dis­plays its culi­nary skills with an en­tic­ing se­lec­tion of ap­pe­tiz­ers, greens, pas­ta cre­ations, and piz­zas. House spe­cial­ties like Chick­en Cur­ry and Tan­doori will

sat­is­fy your crav­ings, while the In­di­an and Pak­istani se­lec­tions, served with fra­grant Bas­mati rice or Cha­p­ati wheat bread, are equal­ly tempt­ing. For lunch, se­lect from a dai­ly-chang­ing menu over­flow­ing with sev­en first and sev­en sec­ond course op­tions, in­clud­ing a sweet treat, bread, and a bev­er­age. As day turns to night, the restau­rant trans­forms, pre­sent­ing a mouth­wa­ter­ing ar­ray of meats, seafood, fresh pas­ta, veg­e­tar­i­an op­tions, and piz­zas.

Opening hours
Monday11:00 - 23:30Tuesday11:00 - 23:30Wednesday11:00 - 23:30Thursday11:00 - 23:30Friday11:00 - 23:30Saturday11:00 - 23:30Sunday11:00 - 17:00