italian restaurant



Step into the realm of cap­ti­vat­ing cin­e­ma at Fi­ume, Lon­don's hid­den gem nes­tled in the vi­brant heart of Not­ting Hill. As you de­scend into its cozy con­fines, the aro­ma of fresh­ly popped pop­corn fills the air, set­ting the tone for an ut­ter­ly cin­e­mat­ic ex­pe­ri­ence. Cu­rate your per­fect film night by choos­ing from a cu­rat­ed se­lec­tion of in­de­pen­dent and clas­sic films that will trans­port you to

worlds un­known. Sink into plush vel­vet seats, each one adorned with a cozy blan­ket to keep you warm and im­mersed in the cin­e­mat­ic ta­pes­try un­fold­ing be­fore you. In­dulge in de­lec­table treats from the on-site bar, where clas­sic movie snacks and cre­ative cock­tails await to tan­ta­lize your taste buds. Whether you're a sea­soned cinephile or sim­ply seek­ing a mag­i­cal movie es­cape, Fi­ume promis­es an un­for­get­table cin­e­mat­ic ad­ven­ture.

Price point