mediterranean restaurant



Step into the cozy am­biance of Fil­igrana, where the aro­ma of grilled de­lights tan­ta­lizes your sens­es. This culi­nary gem in the heart of Barcelona show­cas­es a vi­brant ta­pes­try of mar­ket-fresh in­gre­di­ents, lov­ing­ly trans­formed into ex­quis­ite dish­es im­bued with a hint of smoky char. Fil­igrana in­vites you on a gas­tro­nom­ic jour­ney that cel­e­brates the essence of Barcelon­a's culi­nary her­itage. Its menu is a tes­ta­ment to the city's vi­brant fla­vors, with tra­di­tion­al "coci­na de mer­ca­do" meet­ing the al­lure of the grill. From suc­cu­lent seafood to ten­der meats and an ar­ray of grilled veg­eta­bles, each dish is a mas­ter­piece that pays homage

to the fresh­est sea­son­al pro­duce. The chefs at Fil­igrana are mas­ters of their craft, us­ing their skills to en­hance the nat­ur­al fla­vors of the in­gre­di­ents while adding a touch of smoky mag­ic. Im­merse your­self in the live­ly at­mos­phere, where the buzz of con­ver­sa­tion blends with the siz­zling sounds of the grill. The friend­ly and knowl­edge­able staff are pas­sion­ate about their cui­sine and will guide you through the menu, en­sur­ing an un­for­get­table din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. Whether you're a lo­cal or a vis­i­tor, Fil­igrana is a must-vis­it des­ti­na­tion for those who ap­pre­ci­ate the art of grilling and the vi­brant fla­vors of Barcelona.

Opening hours
Friday13:00 - 15:3020:00 - 22:30Saturday13:00 - 15:3020:00 - 22:30Sunday13:00 - 15:3020:00 - 22:30Monday13:00 - 15:3020:00 - 22:30Tuesday13:00 - 15:3020:00 - 22:30Wednesday13:00 - 15:3020:00 - 22:30Thursday13:00 - 15:3020:00 - 22:30