meal takeaway

Feng Ze Yuan Restau­rant


Feng Ze Yuan is a must-try for any­one in San Fran­cis­co look­ing for the real deal when it comes to Chi­nese food. This place has earned its rep­u­ta­tion for amaz­ing take­out that al­ways hits the spot. We were crav­ing a bit of spice and their Kung Pao Chick­en def­i­nite­ly de­liv­ered. Their menu is ex­ten­sive though,

so if you're in the mood for some­thing dif­fer­ent, you'll eas­i­ly find some­thing tempt­ing to try. It's also su­per con­ve­nient, mak­ing it ide­al for grab­bing a quick and sat­is­fy­ing meal. Hon­est­ly, af­ter try­ing it our­selves, we can see why peo­ple rave about it be­ing some of the best Chi­nese take­out in the city.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday10:30 - 20:00Tuesday10:30 - 20:00Friday10:30 - 20:00Saturday10:30 - 20:00Sunday10:30 - 20:00Wednesday10:30 - 20:00Thursday10:30 - 20:00