


Step­ping into Faros feels like stum­bling upon a chic Athen­ian ter­race, right in the mid­dle of Stock­holm. The at­mos­phere buzzes with a warm en­er­gy, per­fect for catch­ing up with friends or en­joy­ing a ro­man­tic evening. Their menu is a love let­ter to Greek cui­sine, of­fer­ing a con­tem­po­rary spin on clas­sic dish­es. We de­voured fla­vor­ful small plates of tzatzi­ki and dol­mades be­fore mov­ing onto their mouth­wa­ter­ing mous­sa­ka and pastit­sio –

each bite burst­ing with the sun-kissed fla­vors of the Mediter­ranean. Veg­e­tar­i­ans and ve­g­ans won’t feel left out, with plen­ty of choic­es to sat­is­fy all ap­petites. Lost in a sea of de­li­cious op­tions? The friend­ly team is al­ways hap­py to rec­om­mend their fa­vorites, or you can opt for one of the cu­rat­ed set menus. For a taste of Greece with­out break­ing the bank, Faros is a must-try.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday16:00 - 23:00Tuesday16:00 - 23:00Wednesday16:00 - 23:00Thursday16:00 - 23:00Friday16:00 - 12:00Saturday13:00 - 12:00Sunday00:00 - 22:30