
Famosi & Golosi


Ex­pe­ri­ence the true taste of Italy at this Copen­hagen gem, where au­then­tic fla­vors and warm hos­pi­tal­i­ty come to­geth­er to cre­ate an un­for­get­table din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. Staffed en­tire­ly by na­tive Ital­ians, this restau­rant brings the heart and soul of Ital­ian cui­sine to your ta­ble. From the mo­ment you step in­side, you'll be greet­ed with a

wel­com­ing am­biance that trans­ports you to the sun-kissed shores of the Mediter­ranean. The menu boasts a sym­pho­ny of clas­sic dish­es, each pre­pared with fresh, high-qual­i­ty in­gre­di­ents and time-hon­ored recipes. Whether you're crav­ing a hearty pas­ta dish, a fla­vor­ful piz­za, or a de­lec­table seafood cre­ation, you'll find some­thing to tan­ta­lize your taste buds.

Price point
Opening hours
Tuesday17:00 - 23:30Wednesday17:00 - 23:30Thursday17:00 - 23:30Friday17:00 - 23:30MondayClosedSaturday17:00 - 23:30SundayClosed