Fam­i­ly Restau­rant


The Fam­i­ly Restau­rant, a hid­den find amongst the en­er­gy of Lon­don, is ab­solute­ly brim­ming with charm. The sec­ond you step in­side, the scent of bak­ing hits you like a warm hug. Mis­matched chairs, old ad­verts on the walls, and fam­i­ly pho­tos dot­ted around cre­ate this feel­ing of cozy nos­tal­gia. The menu is a real mix, but every­thing

feels like home-cook­ing – prop­er pies, tempt­ing pas­ta, that sort of thing. What makes it spe­cial though is the staff. They're gen­uine­ly friend­ly, like you're a reg­u­lar even on your first vis­it. Quick lunch, long af­ter­noon es­cape, or a cel­e­bra­to­ry din­ner – The Fam­i­ly Restau­rant leaves you with that warm, fuzzy feel­ing long af­ter you've left.
