


Come and sa­vor a de­light­ful din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence in the live­ly area of St. James's. Our restau­rant warm­ly wel­comes you every day of the week, with Mon­days to Fri­days open­ing from 7:30am to 11pm, Sat­ur­days from 10am to 11pm, and Sun­days from 11:30am to 10pm. You can eas­i­ly lo­cate our restau­rant at 52 Hay­mar­ket, Lon­don SW1Y 4RP. If you need more in­for­ma­tion about Fal­low Restau­rant, please vis­it our FAQ sec­tion. We feel hon­ored to re­ceive recog­ni­tion from the Miche­lin Guide for our de­li­cious and ex­pert­ly pre­pared menu. We are ex­cit­ed to share this spe­cial recog­ni­tion with you.
