
Ever­ard Read Lon­don


Walk­ing into Ever­ard Read Lon­don felt like step­ping into a glob­al con­ver­sa­tion through art. Show­cas­ing mod­ern and con­tem­po­rary works specif­i­cal­ly from South Africa and its di­as­po­ra, the gallery of­fers a unique per­spec­tive. Giv­en its his­to­ry - it was es­tab­lished in South Africa in 1913 - it's no sur­prise that their aim is to bring these artists to a wider au­di­ence. If you're look­ing for art with a sto­ry, this is a must-see.

Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 18:00Tuesday10:00 - 18:00Wednesday10:00 - 18:00Thursday10:00 - 18:00Friday10:00 - 17:00SaturdayClosedSundayClosed