
Es­cuela Na­cional de Vela Port Calano­va


For­get dry land - at the Es­cuela Na­cional de Vela, it's all about rid­ing the waves! Sit­u­at­ed right on the pic­turesque Port Calano­va, this sail­ing school wel­comes every­one, from ab­solute be­gin­ners to sea­soned sea dogs. They've got cours­es run­ning year-round, so there's no ex­cuse not to dive in. And it's not just about sails - they also of­fer an ex­cit­ing ar­ray of wa­ter­sports, in­clud­ing kayak­ing, wind­surf­ing, and pad­dle surf­ing. Whether you're seek­ing a new ad­ven­ture or hon­ing your skills, the Es­cuela Na­cional de Vela has some­thing to float your boat.
