art school

Es­cuela de Mo­saico de Barcelona


Join a unique artis­tic ex­pe­ri­ence at the Es­cuela de Mo­saico de Barcelona, where you'll learn the se­crets of Gaudí's cre­ative mo­sa­ic tech­nique. Un­der the guid­ance of Mar­ta, an ex­pert in Mod­ernism and Gaudí, you'll cre­ate your own mo­sa­ic mas­ter­piece to cher­ish as a last­ing mem­o­ry of Barcelona. Whether you're trav­el­ing with a group or look­ing for a solo ad­ven­ture, this work­shop is per­fect for any­one who wants to im­merse them­selves in Gaudí's art and learn a new skill. Im­merse your­self in the vi­brant at­mos­phere of Barcelona as you cre­ate some­thing tru­ly spe­cial.

Opening hours
Monday1:00 PM - 8:00 PMTuesday1:00 PM - 8:00 PMWednesday1:00 PM - 8:00 PMThursdayClosedFridayClosedSaturdayClosedSundayClosed