Eric Vökel BCN Suites


Eric Vökel BCN Suites is a true oa­sis of com­fort and prac­ti­cal­i­ty in bustling Barcelona. These chic ser­viced apart­ments seam­less­ly blend Scan­di­na­vian de­sign with a touch of lo­cal charm. Think of each apart­ment as your own per­son­al pied-à-terre, com­plete with every­thing you need: a well-ap­point­ed kitchen, a pri­vate bath­room, and air con­di­tion­ing to com­bat

the Mediter­ranean heat. Some apart­ments even have bal­conies or ter­races with breath­tak­ing vis­tas of the cityscape. Per­fect­ly sit­u­at­ed near pub­lic trans­porta­tion and fa­mous land­marks, Eric Vökel BCN Suites pro­vides easy ac­cess to all the city has to of­fer. The wel­com­ing staff is al­ways hap­py to pro­vide sug­ges­tions and in­sid­er tips to make your trip un­for­get­table.
