italian restaurant

Er Fa­ci­o­laro


Step into the heart of Rome's culi­nary scene at Il Ris­torante Er Fa­ci­o­laro, a his­toric trat­to­ria just steps from the icon­ic Pan­theon. Im­merse your­self in the au­then­tic fla­vors of tra­di­tion­al Ro­man cui­sine, lov­ing­ly pre­pared with fresh, sea­son­al in­gre­di­ents. Er Fa­ci­o­laro's menu is a tes­ta­ment to the rich culi­nary her­itage of Rome. Be­gin your meal with clas­sic an­tipasti like sup­plì al tele­fono, crispy rice balls filled with melt­ed moz­zarel­la, or fiori di zuc­ca, del­i­cate zuc­chi­ni flow­ers stuffed with a creamy ri­cot­ta fill­ing. For your pri­mi, in­dulge in hearty pas­ta dish­es such as am­a­tri­ciana, a sa­vory com­bi­na­tion of toma­toes, guan­ciale, and pecori­no cheese, or ca­cio e pepe, a sym­pho­ny of creamy cheese and black pep­per. For your main course, choose from a se­lec­tion of grilled meats and fresh seafood. The suc­cu­lent bis­tec­ca alla Fiorenti­na, a thick, juicy Flo­ren­tine steak, is a must-try. Al­ter­na­tive­ly, sa­vor the del­i­cate fla­vors of the pesce al forno, fresh fish baked to per­fec­tion with Mediter­ranean herbs. Pair your meal with a glass of wine from Er Fa­ci­o­laro's care­ful­ly cu­rat­ed se­lec­tion, fea­tur­ing both lo­cal and in­ter­na­tion­al vin­tages. The knowl­edge­able staff is al­ways on hand to guide you through the menu and rec­om­mend the per­fect pair­ing to com­ple­ment your cho­sen dish­es. As you sa­vor each bite and sip, you'll ex­pe­ri­ence the true essence of Ro­man cui­sine in a warm and invit­ing set­ting. Er Fa­ci­o­laro is a culi­nary gem in the heart of the Eter­nal City, where tra­di­tion and pas­sion come to­geth­er to cre­ate an un­for­get­table din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence.

Price point