


Copen­hagen's Chris­tia­nia, a for­mer mil­i­tary base, re­veals the city's free-think­ing spir­it. This artis­tic com­mu­ni­ty pro­vides a one-of-a-kind cul­tur­al im­mer­sion. On the oth­er hand, Ny­havn, with its bustling wa­ter­front and vi­brant­ly paint­ed hous­es, de­liv­ers a con­trast­ing yet equal­ly de­light­ful am­biance. His­to­ry buffs can't miss Amalien­borg Palace, the win­ter res­i­dence of the Dan­ish roy­als, while those with a sweet tooth can snag a de­lec­table treat at a near­by bak­ery. Whether you're in­ter­est­ed in art, his­to­ry, or sim­ply an en­gag­ing city es­cape, Copen­hagen guar­an­tees a tru­ly un­for­get­table jour­ney.

Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 18:30Tuesday10:00 - 18:30Wednesday10:00 - 18:30Thursday10:00 - 18:30Friday10:00 - 19:00Saturday10:00 - 19:00Sunday13:00 - 17:30