escape room center

En­crypt Es­cape Room Barcelona


Pre­pare for a wild ride at En­crypt Es­cape Room Barcelona! It's a puz­zle-lover's par­adise where you and your crew get to test your men­tal met­tle. They've got a va­ri­ety of es­cape rooms, each with its own cool theme and head-scratch­ing puz­zles. Whether you're an es­cape room pro or a new­bie, En­crypt has some­thing to get

your brain buzzing. You'll need to band to­geth­er, de­ci­pher clues, and out­smart the clock to emerge vic­to­ri­ous. The staff is su­per friend­ly and ready to of­fer a nudge in the right di­rec­tion if you get stumped. Trust me, you'll want to add this to your Barcelona itin­er­ary – it's an ex­pe­ri­ence you won't for­get.

Opening hours
Monday09:30 - 23:00Tuesday09:30 - 23:00Wednesday09:30 - 23:00Thursday09:30 - 23:00Friday09:30 - 23:00Saturday09:30 - 23:00Sunday09:30 - 23:00