


EmQuarti­er is a shop­per's par­adise, es­pe­cial­ly for those with a taste for the fin­er things. The mod­ern de­sign and up­scale am­biance are ev­i­dent upon en­ter­ing. In­side, you'll dis­cov­er a cu­rat­ed blend of in­ter­na­tion­al de­sign­ers and lo­cal Thai brands, with every­thing from high fash­ion to one-of-a-kind home goods. Each lev­el pos­sess­es its own dis­tinct en­er­gy, mak­ing ex­plo­ration and un­earthing

new trea­sures a de­light. Once you've worked up an ap­petite, in­dulge in a treat at one of the nu­mer­ous restau­rants or cafes – the var­ied culi­nary land­scape is an at­trac­tion on its own. Should you need a break from shop­ping, the out­door ar­eas pro­vide a breath of fresh air, or catch a film at their re­mark­able cin­e­ma.
