
Els "Pol­los" de Llull - zona Sagra­da Família


In Barcelona, Els "Pol­los" de Llull - zona Sagra­da Família is renowned for its de­lec­table roast­ed chick­en dish­es. The restau­ran­t's sig­na­ture smoked chick­en is a must-try, and it's avail­able for de­liv­ery if you pre­fer to sa­vor it at home or on the go. But Els "Pol­los" de Llull of­fers more than just chick­en. Their menu fea­tures a tan­ta­liz­ing ar­ray of grilled dish­es, en­sur­ing some­thing for every palate. Whether you're din­ing in at their Sagra­da Fa­mil­ia or Vil­la Olimpi­ca branch­es, you'll be greet­ed with a warm and wel­com­ing at­mos­phere. The restau­ran­t's friend­ly staff is al­ways ready to as­sist you in choos­ing the per­fect dish and mak­ing sure you have a mem­o­rable din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. So come on down to Els "Pol­los" de Llull and in­dulge in the fla­vors of Barcelon­a's finest roast­ed and grilled dish­es.
