
Elite Ho­tel Es­planade


Elite Ho­tel Es­planade: Step­ping in­side, you're greet­ed by the grandeur of a by­gone era. The lob­by, with its soar­ing ceil­ings and in­tri­cate chan­de­liers, in­stant­ly trans­ports you back to 1907 when the ho­tel first opened its doors. Rooms and suites of­fer a blend of op­u­lence and mod­ern com­forts, with plush fur­nish­ings and charm­ing de­tails com­ple­ment­ing cap­ti­vat­ing city

or Stor­tor­get Square views. For a taste of Swe­den, the hotel's ac­claimed restau­rant de­liv­ers a so­phis­ti­cat­ed take on tra­di­tion­al fare. Lat­er, un­wind with a cock­tail in the re­laxed at­mos­phere of the bar or soak up the live­ly am­biance of the lounge. At Elite Ho­tel Es­planade, his­to­ry and mod­ern lux­u­ry in­ter­twine for an un­for­get­table Malmö ex­pe­ri­ence.
