
El­e­ments Club


Bei­jing's El­e­ments Club, a main­stay in San­l­i­tun's nightlife scene, draws a glam­orous crowd to its lux­u­ri­ous abode. Step in­side and be greet­ed by a spa­cious dance floor flanked by ex­clu­sive VIP ar­eas. The club's cap­ti­vat­ing light show and pulse-pound­ing mu­sic, spun by a line­up of renowned DJs, cre­ate an elec­tri­fy­ing at­mos­phere. While a night of rev­el­ry at El­e­ments Club does­n't come cheap, with a hefty cov­er charge and pricey drinks, it promis­es an un­for­get­table ex­pe­ri­ence for those seek­ing an up­scale par­ty des­ti­na­tion in the heart of Bei­jing's nightlife hub.
