
El Pique Taco Truck


For­get fan­cy, for­get fussy – El Pique Taco Truck is all about au­then­tic Mex­i­can fla­vors done right. This LA food truck phe­nom­e­non has been draw­ing crowds for years with its killer tacos, bur­ri­tos burst­ing with fill­ings, and que­sadil­las that ooze cheesy good­ness. Whether you're crav­ing a clas­sic car­ni­tas taco or feel­ing ad­ven­tur­ous with a bur­ri­to lengua, El Pique de­liv­ers big on taste with­out emp­ty­ing your wal­let. They've got the whole city cov­ered with con­ve­nient pick­up, take­out, and de­liv­ery op­tions, so you can sat­is­fy those crav­ings any­time.

Opening hours
Monday11:30 - 01:00Tuesday11:30 - 01:00Wednesday11:30 - 01:00Thursday11:30 - 01:00Friday11:30 - 03:00Saturday11:30 - 03:00Sunday15:00 - 01:00