
El Pescador


El Pescador, lo­cat­ed in Los An­ge­les' High­land Park neigh­bor­hood, is more than just a place to grab a bite - it's a des­ti­na­tion in it­self. The at­mos­phere is laid-back and invit­ing, with bright­ly paint­ed walls adorned with eye-catch­ing mu­rals and up­beat tunes fill­ing the air. Their menu is brim­ming with tempt­ing seafood dish­es in­spired by the coastal cui­sine of Mex­i­co. From the in­cred­i­bly fla­vor­ful

aguachile verde to per­fect­ly crisp fish tacos, each dish is a tes­ta­ment to the chef's pas­sion for fresh seafood. At the bar, you can find a se­lec­tion of re­fresh­ing mar­gar­i­tas and micheladas that pair per­fect­ly with the restau­ran­t's live­ly am­biance. Whether you're hop­ing to en­joy a mem­o­rable evening with friends or a re­laxed meal with fam­i­ly, El Pescador will un­doubt­ed­ly draw you in.

Price point
Opening hours
Sunday08:30 - 21:30Monday09:00 - 21:30Tuesday09:00 - 21:30Wednesday09:00 - 21:30Thursday09:00 - 21:30Friday08:30 - 22:30Saturday08:30 - 22:30