
El Pas­tor


For­get those su­per­mar­ket tor­tillas, at El Pas­tor they craft theirs in-house from au­then­tic Mex­i­can corn – and you can taste the dif­fer­ence! This clus­ter of taque­rias scat­tered across Lon­don of­fers a gen­uine slice of Mex­i­co City life. The founders, in­spired by their decade spent soak­ing up the fla­vors of Mex­i­co, serve up a mouth­wa­ter­ing menu of tacos, tostadas, and que­sadil­las, all best en­joyed with a shot (or two) of mez­cal or tequi­la. Live­ly and invit­ing, El Pas­tor guar­an­tees a true taste of Mex­i­can hos­pi­tal­i­ty.

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